Some people find it difficult to reconcile a rationalist and scientific approach to life with a set of traditional Christian beliefs. Dino explored numerous religions during that phase of life when young people frequently seek something other than what they have. He settled on the religion of his parents by choice, drawn by the Eastern Orthodox alchemy of mysticism and reason that serves to define the limits of what is empirically known and that which must remain hidden. To Dino, Orthodox Christianity, imperfect as it is, remains the most perfect expression of God’s will perceptible by humans. The tacit acknowledgment that a complete revelation may yet not be fully comprehended is the secret to accepting a faith without exuding others of different faiths, including atheists.
Religiosity must not be mistaken for judgment. If a religious canon or law states that some behavior or act is “wrong” it does not mean that the act is not common or even socially accepted. Christians are supposed to see their own faults before accusing others and there is little point to bashing another human being without confronting the evil within. And the human who denied the evil within is as dangerous as the one who knows God’s word with certainty.
Through reason, Dino has concluded that God is unprovable and a provable God is not worthy of worship. The rest follows, but one must remain open and inclusive to that river of truth that runs through all faiths.